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Montana Auto Insurance

Finding an affordable Montana auto insurance policy is easy when you use our free Montana car insurance quote finder.You can quickly and easily compare quotes from top Montana auto insurance companies to see where the best rates for auto insurance are.

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What You Need To Know About Shopping for Auto Insurance in Montana

Not every company will offer you the same rates. One common misconception when shopping fro auto insurance, is that shopping around isn’t that important because the auto insurance rates are set by the state or some other regulatory agency. However, that is not the case in Montana or most states for that matter. Montana auto insurance companies are free to set their rates as they choose.

Most auto insurance companies base their rates on their precious experience and on many factors relating to you, the consumer. It is very unlikely that two auto insurance companies would determine their rates in exactly the same manner. This is why it is so important for every Montana car insurance consumer to shop around extensively for auto insurance before deciding on a company.

Comparison shopping may sound like a long, drawn out process. But in fact, thanks to the Internet, shopping for Montana car insurance has never been easier. You can use our Montana car insurance quote finder which allows you to compare multiple quotes from top insurance companies in just minutes. Through this comparison tool you can easily see which car insurance company can offer you the lowest rates possible.

Keep in mind that rates for car insurance are constantly being updated and changed. To continue getting the lowest auto insurance rates available in Montana, you will want to come back and check out new quotes every six months or so.

Choosing A Montana Auto Insurance Policy

Knowing what to choose for an auto insurance policy can be tricky. A good place to start is with the state’s minimum auto insurance requirements. Montana’s minimum auto insurance requirements are:

  • $25,000 Bodily Injury Liability Per Person
  • $50,000 Bodily Injury Liability Per Accident
  • $10,000 Property Damage Liability

Since these are just the minimum requirements that you auto insurance policy must meet, you may want to add more coverage to your policy.

Bodily injury liability will cover the medical expenses and injuries incurred by the other driver and passengers in a car accident where you are at fault. This will not pay for your or your passenger’s injuries. Property damage liability will cover damages affecting the property of the other driver in an accident where you are at fault.

Some other auto insurance coverage you may want in addition to the minimum requirements include the following:

  • Personal Injury Protection: PIP will cover injuries incurred by you and your passengers in an accident. This would be a good coverage to add if you don’t have a great health insurance policy. However, if you do have a great health insurance policy you may not need to add this coverage to your policy.
  • Uninsured Motorist: Uninsured/ Underinsured Motorist coverage will cover you if you are in an accident and the driver who is at fault has little or no auto insurance coverage.
  • Collision: Collision coverage will cover damages to your car.
  • Comprehensive: Comprehensive coverage will cover non related damages to your car (fire, theft, vandalism, etc.).

Shop for a Montana auto insurance policy now using our free Montana car insurance quote comparison tool!

Montana Auto Insurance Laws

As discussed above, Montana has certain auto insurance requirements that must be met. If a Montana driver is caught driving without the proper insurance requirements certain penalties may be enforced such as:

  • Up To A $500 Fine
  • 5 Points On Your License (30 points will mean automatic suspension of your driver’s license)
  • 10 Days In Jail

If you are caught driving without insurance a second time, the penalties only get worse. This time you can get another fine, spend more time in jail and receive an automatic 90 day license suspension.

In Montana, driving without insurance can really cost you. Get the Montana car insurance policy you need today by using our free MT car insurance quote finder!

Montana Traffic And Driving Statistics

Many auto insurance companies use traffic and driving statistics to calculate risk and determine car insurance rates. For example, people living in urban areas pay higher car insurance premiums on average than those living in rural areas. This is due to traffic and crash statistics in rural areas as compared to urban areas.

Here are some Montana statistics that may affect your auto insurance premiums:

  • 10% of all crashes in Montana are alcohol related crashes.
  • 40 – 50% of all fatal crashes are alcohol related crashes.
  • In 2006, there were 22,186 car accidents in Montana
  • 2,243 of those crashes had alcohol or drugs involved.
  • There were 226 fatal crashes in Montana in 2006.
  • 99 of those crashes were alcohol or drug related.

Find The MT Auto Insurance Policy You Need Now!

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